How To Build A DIY Propane Fire Pit

How To Build A DIY Propane Fire Pit

A DIY propane fire pit is a great addition to any backyard – or patio – and can provide hours of enjoyment. Of the different types of fire pits, one that uses propane offers several advantages.

But we don’t want to get to that at this point. For now, let’s focus more on the core matter of this article – how to build a DIY propane fire pit.

So, how do you go about designing your fire pit?

Well, it’s simple.

Let’s find out!

How To Build A DIY Propane Fire Pit

Building DIY propane fire pit is a relatively simple process that can be completed in just a few hours. Only ensure that you are aware of the factors to consider before coming up with one.

With that said, let’s now provide you with all the information you need to build your very own DIY propane fire pit.

Step 1: Get The Materials

The first step is to choose the materials for your fire pit. Because of safety concerns, such as cracking or exploding under high heat, certain materials like river stones are prohibited.

For this project, you will majorly need a metal bowl or pan, a gas burner, mesh, a propane tank, and a burner ring. The size of your bowl or pan will depend on the size of your propane tank, and the BTU output you need for your outdoor space. You can find burner rings, gas burners, and mesh at most hardware stores.

Step 2: Choose The Location

Like with any other fireplace, choose the location for your fire pit. This should be a spot that is sheltered from the wind and preferably near your house or another structure for added safety.

Some precautionary measures like locating it away from flammable objects and putting it on a non-flammable surface are recommended. If you aren’t sure of what makes the best spot for the fire pit, you can consider working with a technician.

Step 3: Level The Ground

The next step is to level the ground where your fire pit will be located. If your ground is not level, use some dirt or gravel to level it out. That’s important because you don’t want the fire pit to wobble or tip over.

Step 4: Lay The Propane Line

Although it’s a DIY project, we still recommend that you have a professional install the propane line. It’s a potentially dangerous job and should be done by someone with experience. So yes, get a propane technician or any other professional who can help with the task.

Step 5: Cover The Drainage Hole

If your heater is not made with a drainage hole, you will need to create some. This is necessary so that water does not collect and cause the fire pit to rust.

A fire pit’s drain is typically located in the center, particularly if it is raised. To prevent the drain from becoming clogged and unusable, cover it with wire mesh.

Step 6: Install The Gas Burner

The gas burner is the component that will release the propane gas and create the fire. It is important to make sure that the burner is installed properly.

Again, we recommend that you have a professional install the gas burner, especially if you doubt you can do it incorrectly. It’s a critical step that calls for someone with experience.

After installation, you can give the log lighters a test to make sure they are working properly.

Step 7: Turn Off and Protect The Log Lighters

When the flame has been fully checked, turn off the gas and allow the components to cool down. When they have, lower the burners so that the air intake holes and propane ports face toward the ground. Then, cover the gas burners or log lighters with wire mesh. You can use the one you used to cover the drainage hole.

Step 8: Install Fire Media

Once you’ve got the ports in the right direction and covered, you can add media to the burners and around them. Lava rocks or fire glass are your best choices for decorative media for a DIY propane fire pit. Avoid using anything that might be damp, since this could cause the stones to explode.

And that’s it! Your DIY propane fire pit is now ready for use. Just make sure you take the necessary safety precautions.

Advantages of DIY Propane Fire Pit Over Firewood Fire Pit

How To Build A DIY Propane Fire Pit

Propane fire pits;

  • Are easy to set up and use
  • Provide a consistent flame
  • Have a controllable flame
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Convenient
  • Easy to clean
  • Do not produce sparks or embers

And just so you know, we don’t mean that firewood fire pits can’t make great fire pits. Of course, they can, but it’s just that propane fire pits offer a few more advantages that might make them a better choice for you.

Generally, firewood fire pits come with lots of hassle. For instance, you have to find the right spot for it, chop the wood and then keep adding more fuel to keep the fire going. With a propane fire pit, you don’t have to worry about any of that. You just turn it on and enjoy the flames.

Safety Measures When Using Propane Fire Pits

Even, though propane fire pits are considered to be safer than wood-burning fire pits, there are still some safety measures you need to take into account when using them.

– Make sure the propane tank is located a safe distance from the fire pit and is properly secured.

– Keep children and pets away from a DIY propane fire pit.

– Make sure the area around the fire pit is clear of any flammable objects.

– Do not leave the fire pit unattended.

– Extinguish the flame before leaving the fire pit.

– If you smell gas, turn it off.

– Keep a fire extinguisher on hand and know how to use it.

– Make sure the propane tank is turned off when the fire pit is not in use.

So, as long as you take these safety precautions into account, you can enjoy your propane fire pit without any worries.

Can You Use Natural Gas In Place of Propane?

Yes, you can use natural gas in place of propane in a propane fire pit. But one thing to keep in mind is that natural gas is not as environmentally friendly as propane, so you might want to consider using propane instead.

Final Word

So, there you have it. A step-by-step guide on how to build a DIY propane fire pit. We hope you found this information helpful and that you will be able to successfully build your fire pit. Just remember to take the necessary safety precautions when using it.

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